Crazy Feather Lashes with FeverCollection

10 February 2016

Recently, I've been thinking about how unadventurous I am with my makeup - even when I'm just messing around in my room in the evenings creating various looks on myself. To get one of the classic New Years resolutions into action ("try new things"), I decided to venture out on the lashes front and teamed up with Fever Collection to show off their stunning array of whacky eyelashes

Accompanied with a handy adhesive, my pair of Black Feathers With Plume Lashes popped through my letterbox on Tuesday morning. I was so excited to receive something so unique to my lash collection and know I will be in for so much fun when wearing them. The soft, black feathers ascend in size from the inner to outer corner, framing the eye in a sultry, and pleasing, way. I hope that some day I will be confident enough to purchase a couple vibrant-coloured ones incorporate in a crazy makeup look. 

During this year, I just hope someone I know throws a 1920's themed party so I can dress up in Charleston attire and apply these beautiful lashes - I feel they would bring so much to the outfit and totally fit the era. Also, they would be perfect for any Halloween related makeup looks - especially for bird characters, like the Black Swan. I will definitely be featuring these lashes in a tutorial this Halloween, so if you're still around then don't forget to stop by! 

Finally, don't forget to check out the amazing costume range available at Fever Collection - they have extremely inexpensive outfits for dress-up occasions.

Lots of love


  1. These look so cool! I would love to know how they look on someone

    Steph -

    1. They are so different - I will be uploading a tutorial as soon as possible featuring them so look out for it :-) xx

  2. I love these lashes, they are so different but so beautiful! x


  3. These lashes are so out there, they're amazing. So visually interesting! Would love to see them on you but halloween is so far away I cannot wait haha!
    Charlotte //

    1. They are super craaaazy but also so pretty. I will try and get one up before but don't know what it would entail..hmm x


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