~ Roses are Red ~

24 February 2015


This isn't one of my usual posts but I would like to change things up and add more lifestyle posts to my blog, instead of just beauty. I think roses are the most beautiful flowers and I received 18 from my boyfriend on valentines day! So...I took a few snaps with them and liked the outcome - it was really fun editing them too. These edits looked really cool and I wanted to share them with my viewers ;-) 

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked this little change in post. Promise to be back with more beauty stuff this week!



  1. Thank you so much, this is lovely <3 Will do x

  2. These photos look great, roses are such beautiful flowers and I love their complex and intricate petals that are interwoven with each other.

    Ooh La Luce | Beauty, Life, Fashion


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