How To Find Your Work-Life Balance while in Full Time Education

2 November 2018

If you are in full time education and would like to focus on your future life goals, chances are that you have your work cut out for you. It is not enough that you have to fund your college and university fees, but also need to ensure that you learn enough life and professional skills that will help you build your success. Most people who are attending full time college and university have a small job to help them get by, and they still need to complete their coursework and prepare for exams at the same time. I'm currently working on my social media platforms (this blog, Youtube & Instagram) to help aid my funds as a 'fun'/hobby part time job whilst I'm studying in my second year at university. When it comes to discussing the future, I always find it a scary thing to talk about. However, I've managed to find the perfect balance on how to schedule everything in perfectly - here are a few tips on how to find your work-life balance.

Get Organised

One of the main tips people who have 'been in your shoes' will tell you, is that you need to
start organising your life. This doesn’t only mean that you have to meet your deadlines, but also not
wasting time on trying to find things in your house, arriving late, or simply forgetting things. If you don’t
have a personal diary that you keep with you, you have several options to replace this old method of
keeping on top of your projects. We all keep our phones close, and there are several free apps that will
help you manage your time and your to-do list without efforts. Set up reminders and utilise your notes
section. I'm personally a huge fan of using an academic diary to keep me on track but whenever I'm out
and about, I jot down things on my phone to ensure I don't forget anything I urgently need to complete/

Find Time for Your Friends

All work and no play will lead to burning out, and that is the last thing you want to happen to you during
your education. It might be a good idea to sit down with your friends and find a day of the week when
you can catch up regularly for a couple of hours. I am lucky enough to live with my best friends so it's
nice that we can just chill in the lounge, watch a few films and nibble on some snacks once we are
finished with our academic work for the day. If you meet up with your pals, this will inevitably help you
relax and take a step back from your busy life, and recharge your batteries. You could even plan to go
for trips for college students that will help you see the world in a new perspective and find your
desired interest, while looking out for future career opportunities.  

Stay In Touch with Your Family

No matter how busy you are, it is important that you stay in touch with your family and make sure that
you have their full support; even if your parents don’t tell you every day, they are rooting for you and
would do anything to help you succeed. Whenever you have a free weekend, make sure that you visit
and let them know about how your life is progressing. Talking about college and university life with
people who are not your classmates will help you put this period of your life in a new perspective. Also,
facetime or Skype is always a great way to contact your loved ones - you may live abroad or a long
way from your family so don't feel like you have to visit them regularly on the weekends if you can't
afford it.

Take a Break Every Now and Then

This is something I definitely need to take my own advice on. When you are overwhelmed with
projects, assignments, catching up on notes and studying, it is easy to forget about taking a break.
Even if it is just a visit to the next town on the train with your friends, or a break from your screens,
your time spent reflecting on your life will be beneficial when it comes to your studies and your future
career choices. If you usually work too hard, and feel the stress creeping in, sign up for a yoga class
or join the gym, volunteer at a homeless shelter or a children’s home, and take a step back from your
daily routine. My personal favourite at the minute is the gym - I always feel so accomplished and
de-stressed during and after going. Don't get me wrong, I sometimes lack motivation to get there but
once I've forced myself into my gym attire, the tension is gone in no time!

Manage Your Lifestyle

For most people, a lifestyle just forms on its own, and you have no influence on what you have to do
each day. However, you can tailor your lifestyle to your needs, budgets, and personal preferences. You
will need to find better ways of managing your time, your money, and your resources. If you are
spending too much time in traffic trying to get from college to work and then home, and your fuel bills
are burning a hole in your pocket, you might want to team up with some friends and colleagues to
travel together or take the train instead, so you can free up time and reduce stress in your life.

Stay Healthy

If you are trying to manage a busy schedule, an illness can knock your work-life balance out of rhythm,
and you will have a lot to catch up with. This recently happened to me and put me in a massive
fluster! This is why you should also focus on staying healthy, no matter what. Take vitamin supplements
and deal with minor colds and illnesses as soon as possible. If you are too busy to look after your
health, you might be missing work and important lectures, and will find it hard to catch up with both of
them. Reduce your stress levels, take natural supplements, and make sure that you are able to
exercise at least twice a week.

Get Help

Sometimes we stress out too much over coursework, and are too afraid to ask for help. If you are not able to fully understand the topic, you might think that you are alone and you will be judged based on your lack of understanding. The truth is that all colleges and universities are committed to your success, as the better grades you get the more future students they can attract. You are likely to find free college and university courses that help you take better notes, write your essays faster, and improve your research skills. These courses can help you improve your work-life balance and your education outcomes, too.

Make Sure Your Job Works Around Your Projects

If you are one of those college students who has a job, you need to make sure that your work doesn’t compromise your results. Ask for a flexible rota, and ensure that you are able to take time off when you are busy completing your coursework or taking exams. While you might need the money now, you also have to focus on your future goals.

Most young adults in full time education struggle managing their work-life balance. Stay healthy and organised, and ensure that your work doesn’t compromise your course results. Learn to look after your mental and physical health and you will succeed in this life mission. Let's do this together!

What do you do to maintain that healthy work-life balance? Do you do anything similar to myself?

Lots of love


  1. I always find it hard to strike a balance between everything and doing nothing! I think managing your lifestyle and looking after yourself are so important. xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

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